Summarized from the Gold Key Bylaws, Articles C31, B17, C15, and C33. The rules are for our children’s safety. Bus Monitors and Security will be enforcing all rules.
- Arrive 10 minutes before the Bus arrives.
- ABSOLUTELY NO MOVING at the bus stop while buses are present, unless otherwise directed by a Bus Monitor or Security. This also applies to Otter Lane.
- No child can enter or exit a vehicle outside the Bus Stop Parking lot under any circumstances. This includes Yale Road.
- A responsible person must be present with children under the age of 12 before and after school. No exceptions.
- No bike riding, no scooters, no skateboards, no hoverboards, or roller skates allowed during the bus stop hours.
- Children under the age of 12 who have permission to walk home MUST PUT IT IN WRITING and hand it to the Bus Monitors or Security.
- All vehicles must have a current Gold Key sticker or Gold Key parking pass displayed.
- All members and guests must comply with the Bus Monitors and Security.
- All dogs at the bus stop during bus stop hours must be on a leash.
- All vehicles must follow the one-way signs. This means NO cutting across the parking lot against traffic.
- There is absolutely NO LOITERING allowed during bus stop hours.
- There is absolutely NO SOLICITING allowed during bus stop hours.
- During the school year, there shall be no smoking within 50 feet of the pavilion. This includes smoking within your vehicle. Smoking includes all tobacco products, e-cigarettes, vaping, pipes, etc.